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Transforming Social Concerns Into Effective Actions

LPIRG is a student-funded, student-directed, not-for-profit organization providing resources for University of Lethbridge students, and community members, to engage in the understanding and exploration of solutions to environmental and social justice issues.

About Us.

LPIRG is a student-funded, student-directed, non-profit organization located in the Traditional Territories of the Niitsitapi, Tsuut’ina, Stoney Nakoda and Métis people in what is currently Lethbridge, AB. LPIRG provides resources for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Lethbridge to engage with environmental and social justice issues. LPIRG embraces plurality and participation, and encourages students to critically evaluate the institutions and systems in which they take part. LPIRG assists students in translating their knowledge through research, education, and action to serve public interest.

As a University of Lethbridge student, individuals automatically receive a membership to LPIRG via the levy fee sectioned off from their Student Union fees & as such can access any of the programs, resources, and engagement opportunities presented by LPIRG . While LPIRG is student founded and oriented, there are opportunities for community members at large to join LPIRG and participate in the majority of events, workshops, programs, and presentations available to members.

Our Mission, Belief, & Values

Our Mission is ... 

To assist students & those within the community at large with transforming their social and environmental concerns into effective action.

Our Belief is ...

Positive social change through citizen education and direct participation in the processes of public policy and program creation is possible. LPIRG believes that democratic citizens have a responsibility to participate in educating themselves and others on social justice issues and to act on this education. LPIRG primarily focuses on sustainable development, inclusiveness and diversity in its activities.

Our Values Include ...

1) LPIRG does not discriminate against any individual. We will not accept or tolerate any hatred, violence, or ill-intent towards anyone either affiliated with LPIRG or accessing resources provided by LPIRG. LPIRG believes that diversity in viewpoints must be respected and encouraged if strong communities are to be created.


2) LPIRG believes in positive social change through citizen education and direct participation in the processes of public policy and program creation.

3) LPIRG and its actors are accountable to its members, the University of Lethbridge Students’ Union (ULSU), and the University of Lethbridge as an institution.

We are accountable to our members in the sense that ...

1) Any University of Lethbridge student can run for election to the LPIRG board; any Lethbridge resident can apply for a Community Member Advisory seat.

2) All board meetings and general meetings are open to all students and paid members

3) Students and members are encouraged to volunteer with LPIRG

4) LPIRG keeps financial records and produces an annual report, both of which are available to students and members.

5) Students can opt out of the LPIRG fee (6.50 CAD per Fall and Spring semester) and receive a full refund as well. Once they have opted out, they are no longer able to request or obtain funding from LPIRG and vote at the Annual General Meeting.

Please contact the University of Lethbridge Students Union for the Fee Opt Out form

Meet The Team

Dedication. Intrigue. Passion.

LPIRGs leadership structure follows that of a working board, consisting of seven general student seats, one graduate student seat, & two community member seats.

It should be noted that only student Board Members hold voting authority in LPIRG Board Meetings, and student society members in LPIRG Special and Annual General meetings.


Board members dedicate a minimum of 10 hours a month to LPIRG operations.

The roles of Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer are decided upon internally at the annual onboarding of new members.


The directors may also recruit student volunteers to inform and support any committees created in their individual operations.


With the understanding that operations may not be properly attended to by busy students alone, the organization has continued to seek out the hiring of contracted employees such, as our Fresh Food Box Manager, to attend to our larger programs as well as an Executive Director to manage the day to day operations and provide visionary and structured leadership alongside the Board.


Food Box Manager

Maryam Wattoo

Hi there! My name is Maryam Wattoo and I am a Public Health major in my final year at the UofL. My career goal is to create initiatives that help vulnerable populations achieve the best health outcomes. Here at LPIRG I am the Food Box Manager! My team and I come together every month to provide students with access to free fresh produce and provide activities curated to create community among students.


I am a very busy girl but when I do have free time, I love to bake watch sunsets, go on late night drives and go sightseeing”

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Trauma Informed Yogi

Carey Viejou

Carey Viejou (she/her) is a Registered Yoga Teacher who specializes in trauma informed yoga and mindfulness. She has been teaching yoga on campus since September 2023 and also teaches elsewhere in the city. Her teaching style focuses on accessibility, trust and community-building, making movement fun and engaging.


Executive Director

Shelby Zuback

Shelby Zuback is a UofL (B.A. & Sc) and Mount Roya l (CNP) alumni with years of experience in the Social Service Sector with a specialized focus on serving youth, Shelby has a unique understanding of the Social Service sector & is elated to be in an environment surrounded by innovation and passion. 


“LPIRG embraces plurality and participation and encourages students to critically evaluate the institutions and systems in which they take part.”

This quote is the reason Shelby chose LPIRG as the place to begin her experience in leading an organization; critical analysis is her wheelhouse! Coming into LPIRG, her vision was to create an energy, workspace, and framework which others could both innovate within and learn from & it's shown that our Members have taken that concept and ran with it in the right direction!


Our Resources

Student Grants (Individual Engagement with Activism)

We understand that the idea of "social and environmental activism" are hefty subjects to engage with & that's why we strive to present opportunities for LPIRG members to engage with activism on a scale they're most comfortable with while emphasizing the need & benefit for this diverse engagement.

One way that LPIRG specifically supports students in addressing social and environmental concerns is through the provision of micro grants. Grants may be accessed to cover costs such as; the travel costs affiliated with attending conferences, the necessary costs tied to research initiatives, or to support the provision of events and projects on campus or in the community for LPIRG members. In 2022 the University of Lethbridge Graduate Students voted in favor of supporting LPIRG through the student levy fee, and as such have a designated pot of monies available for application.

Grants are only available for University of Lethbridge student members at this time*

For any inquiries, please email for more information.

Conference Event

Travel Grants

LPIRG funds research and travel to conferences & events that are deemed to be in the public interest, and that may not be funded through other sources. Travel grants will be awarded only if the research conducted or purpose of travel fits the values of LPIRG and holds explicit benefit to students and the society.

Student Life

Research Opportunities

LPIRG funds research that is deemed to be in the public interest, and that may not be funded through other sources. Research projects must fit within the value statements of LPIRG. LPIRG will not fund research with funding partners that go against the values of LPIRG.

Film Student

Event Grants

LPIRG funds projects and events that are deemed to be in the public interest, and that are typically not funded through other sources. Events must fit within the value statements of LPIRG. LPIRG will not fund projects and events that are hosted by corporations, or have funding partners that go against the values of LPIRG.

We highly recommend all applications be submitted no fewer that 30 days in advance - we cannot guarantee funding ahead of any event if the application is submitted less than 30 days in advance of the event.

All grant applications must include a complete and comprehensive budget and a timeline of the trip, event, or project.

LPIRG is mandated to fund individual students for up to 500 CAD per academic school year.

For example, if a student has previously received a grant for 200 CAD, they would be eligible to receive 300 CAD for a different project/travel/etc within the same academic year.

LPIRG will not fund research with funding partners or initiatives that go against the values of LPIRG.

Action Groups

(Activism Through Coalition)

Action groups are collectives of students (and interested community members) who work together on addressing a public interest issue and have long-term goals complete with the development of a S.W.O.T analysis, strategic plan, budget, etc. Action groups allow you to get a little more "grassroots" with an issue you may want to engage with.

Groups may focus on research, events, action, publications, or other activities.

Resources available to Action Groups include

  • ​Funding, administrative, and organizational support from LPIRG.

  • Access to LPIRG office space for meetings and storage.

  • Raising public awareness through printing, button making, web space, and email publicity.

  • Assistance with project organizing, including volunteer recruitment, training, and planning

  • Lots of love from LPIRG!

Interested in starting your own Action Group?

Get a jump on engaging with grassroots activism, suggest a topic of interest to rally a group together, or request some time to chat about a topic you're passionate about fill out the form below or swing by the office for a coffee & a chat!

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The "Fresh Food Boxes" are only available to UofL Students at this time*

Fresh Food Boxes

LPIRG believes that food systems and access to healthy nutrition are a prime example of how social and environmental justice go hand in hand.


In partnership with the Food for Thought committee at the University of Lethbridge we are able to supply students with access to affordable, local, and fresh food. 

Curious how you can support?

Monthly Events (Activism Through Self Preservation & Socialization)

LPIRG understands that sometimes pointed initiatives and rallies aren't in the cards for activists & maybe a route of self preservation and socialization is the way to move; as anyone supporting any cause knows, it's easy to get dug in and burnt out if you don't establish the habit of healthy balance in the beginning.


These programs are curated to assist members with the discovery of empowerment through self-care and community involvement. Our programs are ever changing to reflect the needs and desires of members as the months and years move on.


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Annual Events (Activism Through Direct Public Engagement)

We understand that some people are really looking for that opportunity to use their voice a little louder, and are looking for those programs to engage with the education of themselves and others around solutions to social and environmental issues on a larger scale & we definitely have the chance for you to do so!

Sisters in Spirit Memorial Vigil

LPIRG has been assisting with the planning and volunteer coordination of the annual Sisters in Spirit vigil for decades; this event is a memorial evening that commemorates and honors missing and murdered Indigenous girls, women, two-spirit, and LGBTQ+ individuals. The main planning is led by Amnesty International Lethbridge, but involves the creation of an annual planning committee with members from a variety of social and cultural organizations. 


The event is held every October 4th.

Student Speaker Series

LPIRG has been collaborating on the planning of this event for many years now alongside both SACPA (The Southern Alberta Council of Public Affairs) and the ULSU (University of Lethbridge Students Union). This event has moved from a multiday event to a single afternoon, providing a space for interested students to “speak their piece” on a topic of the organizers choosing. There are cash prizes available for the top 3 participants, and gift card prizes for all participants.

This event is held every February.

Speaker participation in this event is limited to students at this time, but all LPIRG members and Lethbridge residents are welcome to attend.*

Advocacy 101 Conference

For the last two years LPIRG has collaborated with the Campus Collective Centre (another student levy group on campus) in the planning of our Student Advocacy Conference. One of a kind in this region, this event provides University of Lethbridge students and Lethbridge residents at large an opportunity to attend a full day conference focused on activism and advocacy through a variety of lenses, understandings, and modalities.

This event is open to LPIRG members & Lethbridge residents at large.

This event is held every March.

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Opportunities & Events

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15% Off All Items

LPIRG would love the opportunity to visit your classroom to share what we do here on campus and how students can access funding and other supports!
Our presentation is only 5 - 10 minutes and can be done remotely if preferred!

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